Book Reviews

“Finally the book that every coach wishes his parents would read. It gives them the answers to what kids and parents should do in sports. A must read for all parents of athletic kids.”
– Doug Fraser, Former High School Coach for 16 years

Hatcher has really done a great job of developing the total athlete with his Mighty Bluebird teams. There are many future Division I players that will come from this program.
– Joe Kleine, Former NBA Center for 15 years and
Member of the 1984 Olympic Basketball Team

“A real blueprint for success in athletics and life. It is presented in a straight forward, no nonsense approach which I think coaches and players really respond to! I know it will be a valuable resource for our program!”
– Rich Conover, Women’s Basketball Coach, Binghamton University

Hatcher spends more time with his kids than almost any father I know. The success they will have in the future will be his greatest achievement.
– David Bazzel, Former Razorback Football Player and T.V. and Radio Personality

“I enjoyed reading the book you sent. I have shared some of the contents of the book with my team. I have two sons, one of which is a current player for me and a sophomore who is one of the top 50 sophomores in the country. I feel this book gives them the knowledge that will contribute to the enhancement of their work ethic on and off the court.”
– Kevin S. Jones, Men’s Basketball Coach, Chicago State University

The Mighty Bluebird Organization gives kids in Central Arkansas a place to go that’s all about excellence. These kids’ years from now will realize just how good they had it.
– Keith Jackson, Former All Pro Tight End Philadelphia Eagles, Miami Dolphins, and Green Bay Packers

When Greg Hatcher does something he does it all out taking care of every little detail like a great coach should. The ultimate winners in all this will be the kids.
– Jermain Taylor, Middleweight Boxing Champion

The Mighty Bluebird Organization has given the kids of Arkansas new opportunities the results of which we will be seeing for years to come.
– Frank Broyles, Hall of Fame Coach and Athletic Director University of Arkansas

“Between the Ears is a must read for anyone involved in sports at any level. Being a Division I head basketball coach, many of Greg’s experiences are those that I encountre on a daily basis. In today’s college athletics we as college coaches many times play the role as parents fro some of these student-athletes. This book will continue to be a big part of my teaching philosophy throughout my coaching career. ”
– Bobby Jones, Head Basketball Coach, St. Francis University

“…it is a very inspirational book which I enjoyed reading. I look forward to implementing some of the strategies outlined in the book. I believe that using these strategies will improve my coaching ability ultimately, fostering players that can think like champions.”
– Donovan Rose, Assistant Head Coach/Secondary, Hampton University

I mentioned your book to the parents and coaches during the [wrestling] clinic and shared with them the importance of learning. I truly believe youth coaches or any coach is starving for information. I know your book can help so many parents and coaches.”
– John Smith, Head Wrestling Coach, Oklahoma State University