Between The Ears:
How to Think Like a Champion
by Greg Hatcher (Author)
This new book has a sports focus and is designed to teach children (and even adults) to think like champions. Greg Hatcher has been coaching sports since the day he graduated from college in 1983. This book focuses on the mental aspects of sport that can help kids and their parents have a more successful sporting experience. Hatcher combines his coaching experience in soccer, football, basketball, baseball, cross country, track and wrestling. Hatcher combines everything he’s learned from working with kids in all these sports to help them be the best that they can be.

55 Steps to Outrageous Service
by Greg Hatcher (Author)
Inside this book you'll find the secrets that are used by the largest Health Insurance Agency in the state of Arkansas, The Hatcher Agency, to keep their customers happy. Find out the tools that are needed to provide Outrageous Service to your clients. When you start to implement the ideas that this book illustrates you'll notice a change in the quality of your business! Better customers, better employees, and better business can all be yours with the help of 55 Steps to Outrageous Service!
The Mighty Bluebird Organization has given the kids of Arkansas new opportunities the results of which we will be seeing for years to come.
Frank Broyles, Hall of Fame Coach and Athletic Director University of Arkansas
“A real blueprint for success in athletics and life. It is presented in a straight forward, no nonsense approach which I think coaches and players really respond to! I know it will be a valuable resource for our program!”
Rich Conover, Women’s Basketball Coach, Binghamton University
The Mighty Bluebird Organization gives kids in Central Arkansas a place to go that’s all about excellence. These kids’ years from now will realize just how good they had it.
Keith Jackson, Former All Pro Tight End Philadelphia Eagles, Miami Dolphins, and Green Bay Packers